You Can Help Save the World by Donating to These Amazing Organizations!

The Soil and Water Conservation Society - The Soil and Water Conservation Society is a science-based organization that wants to conserve land and water by going to people and educating them. They also create state-of-the-art conservation systems, improve water policies, and provide help and support to people throughout changes.

Partnership for Water Conservation - The Partnership for Water Conservation is an excellent non-profit organization that protects watersheds by sustaining water flow.

Alliance for the Great Lakes - Alliance for The Great Lakes is dedicated to protecting and preserving the world's largest fresh water lakes by educating citizens so they take action. Ever since Alliance for The Great Lakes began, it has enrolled over 10,000 volunteers.

The Water Project - The Water Project is a non-profit organization that gives tips of how to use less water and if you donate they will help build wells and other contraptions so people around the world can get clean water every day. - gives close access to safe drinking water so people don't have to spend hours and sometimes days walking to a water source. This organization has already given over 17 million people access to safe water and sanitation.

Charity:Water - Charity:Water is a non-profit organization that gives close access to a water source (anything from wells to sanitation systems) to developing countries. They've already funded over 38,113 water projects and have helped over 9.6 million people around the world.

Three Avocados - Three Avocados is a coffee company that gives 100% of their profits to providing clean water. Over 54,143 people have been given access to clean water because of this organization.

4Ocean - 4Ocean eliminates platisc waste from our oceans when you buy one of their bracelets (which is made from the plastic they find all over the world). They have already taken over 4 million pounds of trash since 2017.

Pacific Whale Foundation - Pacific Whale Foundation is a amazing non-profit organiztion that was founded in 1980. It is located in Maui, Hawaii, and they protect the ocean by science and advocacy, and by teaching people to love our beautiful world and how to protect it.

Water For People - This organization has given 4 million people in 9 countries close access to clean water. Help them achive their goal of bringing close high-quality drinking water to everyone forever.